Yolnu long-grassers on Larrakia land

In 2004 Yalu Marnggithinyaraw Indigenous Corporation – now Yalu Aboriginal Corporation – supported research into Yolngu long-grassers (people living in the open air) in Darwin. The research was undertaken by a combination of Yolngu and Balanda people. One result of the research was a paper with 9 recommendations (PDF 1.2mb):

  1. A clear policy of support for homelands
  2. A counselling and advising program using both western professional expertise and Yolngu expertise
  3. Reassessment of the adequacy of substance abuse rehabilitation programs on Elcho and homelands
  4. Assessment of the adequacy of substance abuse rehabilitation programs in Darwin
  5. More tenancy support for Darwin residents – so they better understand the rules and services
  6. A more acceptable form of temporary accommodation for Yolngu in Darwin: a clean sheltered camping area with rules but which allows for a relaxed style of open-air Yolngu living
  7. A place in Darwin where long-grassers can sit and talk with committed empathetic elders
  8. Programs to support a Darwin-based healthy lifestyle for long-grassers, including exercise, bush tucker and access to mobile clinics
  9. Ensure Air North inform Yolngu customers both verbally and in writing that if they don’t arrive in time for their flight, or fail to cancel their booking, they will only be able to use that ticket by being on standby.

This is Aboriginal land

We work with deep respect for country and its rightful owners, ancestors and elders, past and present.
Please be aware that our site includes names and images of people who have passed.

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