Design & construction

This page is a work in progress!

Aboriginal-led design and construction

  • In collaboration with traditional owners and homelands service providers, we are investigating the prospect of Aboriginal-led design and construction of housing using local materials and labour. See Homeland communities designing and building for themselves (PDF, 14mb) – architect Paul Haar’s presentation to AHNT directors in July 2023.
  • Wilya Janta is a collaboration between Warumungu people and allies working to design and build houses fit for both culture and climate .

Photo credit: Roy Marika and other Yirrkala councillors discuss a model for ‘Council house’, 1971. National Archives of Australia: A1200, L94074.

This is Aboriginal land

We work with deep respect for country and its rightful owners, ancestors and elders, past and present.
Please be aware that our site includes names and images of people who have passed.

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