Strong relationships

Aboriginal hands twisting pandanus into a yellow, orange, black radial mat

Weaving good housing together

A strong system of Aboriginal housing demands strong relationships. We are cultivating genuine, collaborative partnerships with other peak bodies, land councils, governments, research organisations, and key stakeholders such as the Northern Territory registrar of the National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH).

Our partnerships

Our values inform and guide all our work. One thread weaving through all of our work is the will to collaborate.

We work with Territory and Commonwealth governments, through the Joint Steering Committee on remote Aboriginal housing and its working groups – and by quietly but powerfully advocating for the rights and interests of Aboriginal people and organisations, including lobbying for a new Aboriginal housing governance system.

We have a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with NT Shelter and Menzies School of Health Research.

We are connected

Aside from members of AHNT, below are organisations we are associated with, in one way or another.

Broader-focused bodies

Photo credit: senior woman weaving at Jibena homeland, 2023, by Rykia Blanco.

This is Aboriginal land

We work with deep respect for country and its rightful owners, ancestors and elders, past and present.
Please be aware that our site includes names and images of people who have passed.

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