

Around 50 years ago, Aboriginal families all around the Territory began to build small villages on their ancestral estates.

Town camps

Some Aboriginal people live where, decades ago, they set up shelters in, beside or near the towns of the Territory.

Remote communities

The NT Government recognises 73 remote Aboriginal communities around the Territory.

Community living areas

Community living areas (CLAs) are small areas carved out of pastoral leases where Aboriginal families have secured the right to live.

Urban housing

Only four places in the Territory qualify as urban: Greater Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.

Main image: 38 different ways to say ‘I’m going home’ – source 50 words project. (Other images have a credit on their dedicated page.)

This is Aboriginal land

We work with deep respect for country and its rightful owners, ancestors and elders, past and present.
Please be aware that our site includes names and images of people who have passed.

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