We are the Aboriginal-controlled peak body for Aboriginal housing in the Northern Territory.
Aboriginal housing in Aboriginal hands
In the Territory, people are 12 times more likely to be homeless than elsewhere in Australia. Almost all of them are Aboriginal. We know housing is linked to many life outcomes, so this is a crisis.
We represent and support 19+ member organisations, and we advocate for more housing – and better housing. Non-profit Aboriginal community-controlled providers of housing or related services – and based in the Northern Territory – are welcome to join us. Together we are strong!
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How to talk about people sleeping rough
People sleeping rough have a challenging time in many ways. Let’s not make it any harder for them.…
Peak keen to work with new NT government
Aboriginal Housing Northern Territory (AHNT), the Northern Territory’s peak body for Aboriginal-controlled housing, congratulates the new Chief Minister,…
Please note that we don’t provide housing directly. Are you >> looking for shelter in the NT?
Photo credit: house at Anpaneye homeland, Central Australia, by Tahnee Briscoe.